Stainless Steel Foldable Cloth Dryer Stand for Drying Clothes (Diameter-22)
Stainless Steel Foldable Cloth Dryer Stand for Drying Clothes (Diameter-22)

Stainless Steel Foldable Cloth Dryer Stand for Drying Clothes (Diameter-22)

Price: 3,500.00 - 3,500.00
Minimum Order: 1

Mobile Number: +8801972525821

যোগাযোগ করুন

সাপ্লাইয়ারের তথ্য MOTIJHEEL Dhaka Bangladesh 2 Years Verified Supplier


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Product details

Stainless Steel Foldable Cloth Dryer Stand for Drying Clothes (Diameter-22)

Foldable Cloth Dryer Stand

DESIGN AND UNIQUE FEATURES : 100 % Stainless Steel including Screws and Fasteners making it rust and corrosion free !!: Strong construction with large drying space with high quality metal construction, more sturdy and durable you can position your clothes with a nice amount of space between them so they can dry thoroughly.100 % Stainless Steel including Screws and Fasteners making it rust and corrosion free !!

ALL WEATHER RESISTANT: Foldable Cloth Dryer Stand Built from high-grade, Stainless steel  components to ensure maximum corrosion resistance. Designed for use in all climates and weather conditions

USAGE AND SPACE : Easy to use and foldable light weight and easy to open and close for use can be used both indoors and outdoors, accordion design folds flat for easy storage on your small area.

 ADVANTAGE AND SETTING UP: Suitable for clothes need to lay flat to dry features a top shelf for sweaters or other flat-drying items. It Comes fully assembled. Can be set up and folded in

STURDY AND LIGHT WEIGHT : Ideal for every home as this cloth dryer rack can hold huge load of clothes on multiple rods and best of breed for balcony use also.

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